Movie Recommendation of Day

Rocambola (2020) by Juanra Fernández. Juan Diego Botto stars in an entirely independent thriller boasting surprising twists and turns, featuring very few locations and bursting with psychological tension and violence (Cineuropa). Dante is a professional thief who makes ends meet through carefully selected, small jobs. His new target is a secluded big house which he thinks is unoccupied. But he’s not alone, he will meet a strange couple whose reaction to his intrusion is to ask him for breakfast. They are hiding other plans. Link to watch:

Movie Recommendation of Day

Shirley (2020). Elisabeth Moss and Michael Stuhlbarg play horror author Shirley Jackson and her professor husband in Josephine Decker’s unusual biographical portrait (Hollywood Reporter). A famous horror writer finds inspiration for her next book after she and her husband take in a young couple. Links to watch:

Movie Recommendation of Day

Intre Chin si Durere/ Between Pain and Amen (2019) by Toma Enche. A hybrid between a drama film and an historical piece, “Between pain and amen” by Toma Enache is a beautifully shot story that sees a bass virtuoso returning to Romania being arrested by the Comunist regime and taken to a prison where a brainwashing experiment is conducted on the inmates. Available on Netflix (Romania):

Movie Recommendation of Day

Dating Amber (2019). David Freyne’s Irish-set twisted romcom is an endearing mid-90s tale of homosexuals pretending to be straight to fit in. The second film by David Freyne is a twisted romcom set in Ireland in 1995, where two gay kids pretend to be in a heterosexual relationship in order to avoid their classmates making them the target of their homophobia. It’s set only two years after homosexuality became legal, and the newspapers and television screens are filled with debate about the impending referendum on whether divorce should be made legal (Cineuropa). Link to watch:

Movie Recommendation of Day

La Rivincita (2020). Leo Muscato’s debut film, available on RaiPlay in Italy from 4 June, portrays the daily reality of the country’s new poor with all the tragedy and irony that goes with it. La rivincita marks the cinematic debut of the theatre and opera director Leo Muscato who, with an uncanny sense of timing, speaks of job losses, financial precariousness and the gradual descent into poverty. (Cineuropa). Link to watch (Italy):

Movie Recommendation of Day

The Ground Beneath My Feet (2019). Gripping arthouse psychodrama sees two different characters drawn together by circumstance in modern Vienna. Austrian auteuse Marie Kreutzer avoids genre clichés in steering the idiosyncratic characters through a turbulent, and sometimes mysterious course (Filmuforia). Lola controls her personal life with the same ruthless efficiency she uses to optimize profits in her job as a business consultant. But when a tragic event forces the past back into her life, Lola’s grip on reality seems to slips away. Links to watch:

Movie Recommendation of Day

Nights Out (2018) by Stratos Tzitsis. What does a Saturday night in Berlin hold in store? A colorful mix of hetero and gay singles, couples and polyamorous adventurers descend upon the Berlin nightlife scene craving fun and satisfaction. They end up in the KitKat Club, which in real life and in the film, is one of the most vibrant nightclubs in Berlin but so much more than a nightclub. Link to watch: